HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! 2024!!! Miki and Stephen in 2023 It was an active year to say the least! Here are a few of the highlights, only to give you a starting point for a real live, person to person, exchange should the new year provide such a luxury. We would embrace it (and you) warmly and eagerly! January found us in Berlin, ringing in 2023 with friends and former colleagues while I was at work with her Berlin-based "Dance On Ensemble". As soon as I was back in NYC I went to work presenting the story of her life in dance at the National Arts Club in NYC. MY fan club of younger generation Graham dancers was in attendance and all were enthralled! In March I then went to work coaching the internationally celebrated ballet star, Diana Vishneva, in Graham's "Deep Song". I then set and coached a group of our Hartt students who we brought to The Joyce Theater to perform "Primitive Mysteries" with the Graham Company's NY season. May brought the graduation and immediate professional placement of another amazing group of Hartt Dance seniors and in June, our community garden apple tree was produced its most robust crop in years allowing me to give bushels of this deliciousness to the neighborhood and Hell's Kitchen passersby. We are looking forward to an exciting 2024 and we hope that it brings us all a little closer together. We will keep you informed so please know we'd love to meet up with you! Much love and gratitude with all our best wishes for the year ahead! SP and me~~~
by miki3lotus
| 2024-01-01 09:51
| 日常
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