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May-August 2023


5月はニューヨークのイーストビレッジにあるラ・ママ劇場にてThe Beautiful Ladyというミュージカルの動き、振り付けの仕事をしました。この作品は数年前に亡くなったエリザベス・スエイドースさんの書いたミュージカルをSITI Coのディレクターであり、ビューポイントの本を書いたりしている演出家のアン・ボガートさんが演出しました。役者さんは皆歌も達者。ロシアの革命時の詩人たちの話ですが、全く同じようなことが今も起こっているということを考えると、タイムリーな作品だと思いました。ほとんど毎日のリハーサル、ここをカットして、ここを足してというが毎日続きました。毎日ちょこっとずつ変わっていく様子、そして俳優さんたちの反応の早いことにはとてっもびっくりでした。

In May, I involved a theater work, The Beautiful Lady -written by Elizabeth Swados, and directed by Anne Bogart. I really wanted to work with Anne, so this was heaven!!!
It is an amazing group of actors(they sing beautifully!!) and subject matter is so timely. Hope this work will travel! I have never been in theater work like this, talented actors and entire team.. just wonderful production. La MaMa theatre was perfect!!!
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その後、Dance On Projectにてオランダのウトレヒトというところに行きました。今回数カ所変更とかもあって、またまたストレスフルなリハーサルでしたが、二人のダンサーは初日の朝ウトレヒトに到着、無事に公演が終わりホッとしました。この作品は11月にローマに行きます!!!

DANCE ON ENSEMBLE , we performed "Mellowing" in Utrecht, Holland.
Choreographed by Christos Papadopoulos
We will be performing in Rome in November!!!
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ダンス・アーカイブス in Japan 2023と題したこの公演は日本のモダンダンスの歴史を紐解くような企画になっていて、1、2回目ははパイオニアの作品を集め、3度目にその後のジェネレーションに移り、今回の4回目。アキコさんとは私も数回お目にかかっていますが、この作品をとして、彼女のことをもっと知ることになり、嬉しかったです。(写真:新国立劇場)

I guested Dance Archives in Japan 2023
Danced Akiko Kanda's work " To Martha".
Akiko danced with Marhta Graham in 1960's and this is her work honoring, remembering Martha. I met Akiko few times in NY, but this time, thru her dance, I learn and got to know her a little bit more. Rehearsal period was few weeks in Tokyo, everyday I run this and I was dead everyday... felt so good dancing that physically in my age. Sweat- drenched with sweat felt good.
I had live music, that was so nice too!!!
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ニューヨークに戻り、グラハムスクールの夏期講習を教え、イリノイ大学ウルバナ・シャンペイン校にマーサの作品”Steps In The Street” を教えに行きました。ダンサーたちはとても頑張り、これから6週間かかりリハーサルをして10月に公演です。楽しみです。

その際に、National Arts Clubにて2月にプレゼンテーションをした A Japanese Dancer in America を見ていただきました。これは私が生まれてから今に至るまでも完結に写真とトークで話しました。懐かしい写真なども見ていただきました。頑張ってパワーポイントで作りました!!!そのうちに皆さんにも見ていただきたいです。
And back in NYC, I taught one week at Graham School's Summer Intensive then went to University of Illinois, Urbana Champaign to set Martha's "Steps In The Street", dancers worked really hard and they look GOOD! I can't wait to see them in October!!!

at UI, I presented A Japanese Dancer in America, Power point that I made and presented at the National Arts Club in Feb. It is my path from my birth to who I am now. It was nice to re-visit my path with pictures!!!

and it's September now...

I will be Performing:

Random Access Music- Tokyo to New York "ONOKORO"
9/23&24 7pm @ Westbeth Martha Graham Studio

Nanako Yamada Memorial Performance
11/1&2 @ Haiyu-Za Theater in Tokyo

Dance on Ensemble
11/16 @ Rome, Italy

More information coming soon!!!

# by miki3lotus | 2023-09-13 00:28 | Performing Art


Happy Spring!!! Performance announcement - Save the date
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NuVu Festival @ LPAC
April 12 & 13 @ 7:30pm --- Ticket

HARTT DANCES (click for streaming) @ Lincoln Theatre
Thursday, April 13, 2023 - 7:30pm
Friday, April 14, 2023 - 7:30pm
Saturday, April 15, 2023 - 2:00pm, 7:30pm

This year started with busy schedule.

After coming back from Berlin, I had a presentation at the National Arts Club in NYC. It was a great event for me to go back to see my youth to now. I filmed with my iPhone, so it’s not that great quality but if you are interested, please let me know!

And now in April, I am curating and directing NuVu Festival. We will present 5 artists. Exciting to see this concert is forming with works of Janis Brenner, Gabrielle Lamb, Michelle Thompson Ulerich, Mikaela Papasodero and Nai-Ni Chen.

Sadly Nai-Ni passed away December 2021. We want to honor her life. Nai-Ni and I came to NYC around the same time. We had very different path. We met about 10 years ago, probably crossed path a little here and there, and we started to know each other. She started CrossCurrent festival - Asian American Choreographer’s competition and she asked me to be on the panel. During pandemic, she started to give free classes online, she made many project so that keep giving her dancers chance to keep going. She is not a flashy person but concrete.

NuVu Festival is a place for different stages of dance artists to share a stage together. For young artists, they can learn by watching how mature artists deal with stage crew, how they work with their dancers. And for mature artists, they get to see young artists' vision.
I want this festival to be a great place for every artists and for the audience to encounter different stages of artists' work and inspired.


The Hartt School where Stephen and I teach, will have Hartt Dances. Dancers will dance Bounonville, Jose Limon and new works by Steven Melendez, and Pascal Rioult’s work DRIFT with LIVE Chamber Music. It is exciting to see Live music and dance come together. It will be streamed so PLEASE WATCH!!!

After this concert, dancers who danced Martha Graham’s Primitive Mysteries last Hartt Dances, will be coming to NYC to participate during Graham Company’s season at the Joyce Theatre, Saturday Matinee for University Partnership Showcase on April 22nd. They will be dancing 3rdsection called “Hosanna”. They were lucky, had a chance to work with Susan Kikuchi. It was a beautiful rehearsal that they had.

And one more – I will be working with Theatre director Anne Boagart. The work by Elizabeth Swedos, The Beautiful Lady will be premiering at the La MaMa theater in NYC on May 2nd. I will let you all know later.

So those of you in NYC, Please join me at the NuVu Festival to honor Nai-Ni, and enjoy 5 artists' work!
Love to see you there!!!

Happy Spring!!!

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# by miki3lotus | 2023-04-05 22:32

Happy Holidays 2022/2023

Wishing you all to have a wonderful holiday season

filled with happiness and good health!

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I am in Berlin from Mid November and SP and I are enjoying our Christmas break here.

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We went to walk in woods, had mulled wine - red and white,we had a great Christmas gathering and dinner. It was cold right before Christmas but now it's warmer ( around 3-5℃ or around 40F).

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Happy Holidays  2022/2023_b0069951_19564439.jpeg


2023 will start with Dance On Ensemble performance at Radialsystem (please click here for more info) in Berlin.

12 of us will be in this new work by

Greek choreographer, Christos Papadopoulos and his wonderful partener Georgios Kotsifakis.

  • Title of new work is "Mellowing"
  • Thursday Jan 26 20:00h World Premiere
  • Friday Jan 27 20:00h with Introduction ( 7pm)
  • Saturday Jan 28 20:00h
  • Sunday Jan 29 18:00h

January is Spring Repertory Project at the Hartt School Dance.
This Spring,New York Theater Ballet's new director, Steven Melendez will be creating a new work and
Pascal Rioult will re-create his work. Dancers had casting audition in October and during these 2 weeks
they will be taking warm-up class in the morning then rehearse all day,
just like when you are in the company.


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皆さん、Stay Warm!!!

PS: Dance On photo by Jubal Battisti
Ty Boomershine
Anna Herrmann
Gesine Moog
Omagbitse Omagbemi
Jone San Martin
Alba Barral Fernandez
Ziv Frenkel
Christine Kono
Georgios Kotsifakis

# by miki3lotus | 2022-12-26 20:09 | 日常

Hartt Dances Fall 2022

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2 World premieres and 2 repertories

Of Air and Light - World Premier
Stephen Pier /Caroline Shaw

The Beautiful Ones - World Premier
Debra Collins Ryder /Charles Avison

When the Timpani Roll, The Cymbals Crash, and Somebody Breaks a Glass... (2007)
Katie Stevinson-Nollet /various

Primitive Mysteries ( 1931)
Martha Graham /Louis Horst

November 10-12 @7:30pm
November 12 @ 2pm

Come join us in the theatre

Live Stream


This March, my mentor Yuriko passed away. She was 102. She had a beautiful full life. Even with her hard times, she always said " i have a good life". Past Thursday, we celebrated her life at 92nd Y Kaufmann Theater where she had her company performed in 40's.
There were 12 speakers, each one of us had a theme to talk. I talked about Martha Graham Ensemble.
So many friends were there in person and virtual. There was everyone's love to celebrate Yuriko, it was a beautiful evening.

Until this year, I have never wanted to set Martha's Primitive Mysteries, the first Martha's Ballet I have ever danced in 1984. But this year, I said yes. It is a most beautiful ballet, but the hardest one.

Stephen is choreographing a new work!!! Music is very challenging but they are having a great time. We went to a dance/ music concert and we discover this composer Caroline Shaw.

Hope to see you in person or virtual!!!

今年3月に私の師匠のユリコ・キクチ先生が亡くなりました。102歳でした。彼女のことは日本の方々にも知っておいていただきたいので、また後にゆっくり記事を書きますが、その彼女の指導で、1984年に初めてグラハム作品を踊った作品がこの「プリミティブ ミステリーズ」でした。この作品日本語では「古代の秘儀」というタイトルがついています。

Photo ©︎John Long
Dancer Ali Tomsik in Jacquelyn Buglisi's Suspended Women from Hartt Dances Spring 2022

# by miki3lotus | 2022-11-02 06:32 | Performing Art


It is around the corner!!!

HARTT DANCES - Nov 10, 11, 12
Featuring works of Martha Graham, Debra Collins Ryder, Katie Stevinson-Nollet, and Stephen Pier.
Join us live in the theater or on Livestream

# by miki3lotus | 2022-10-22 04:20 | Performing Art